The ReCivitas Basic Income Fund - FRRB
Taking into account the exceeding of our possibilities to pay the basic income, as we did, even during the Covid-19 pandemic, now, also owing to the current difficulties which, altogether, with more severe hunger and deprivation throughout the entire population, especially the youngest and most vulnerable ones in their early childhood;
We, the ReCivitas - Institute for the Revitalization of Citizenship, have decided that, instead of stopping or taking a step backwards, we should no longer wait for the resources we still lack, but, we should make use of the scarce resources we do have, do the best we can, and move forward;
Thus, we have decided to immediately begin the future phase of the project, constituting the FRRB as our reserve of the possible to provide the funds to guarantee the vital minimum as a savings to the basic income, not only for the present generation but, yes, for the future ones, without jeopardizing the sustainability or the continuity of the progressive inclusion of all, precisely starting from them, the first ages, moving on to all others.
Therefore, from now on, we are initially putting down the initial capital of 10 thousand reais to each resident of Quatinga Velho for the age group ranging from 0 to 3 years old, according to the profitability offered by the depositary bank institution, to guarantee the permanent provision of the value of a basic income in usufruct to each one of them; as well as, to contribute with the necessary resources to the FRRB for the expansion and inclusion of all those waiting for these funds and those who will benefit from them.
So, the FRRB's assets are destined to the cause and purpose for which it was created, namely: to establish a financial reserve for the provision and diffusion of the minimum vital as the necessary capital to provide an unconditional and permanent basic income; and, in case of greater personal or collective needs, the contributions of a temporary emergency aid and/or the concession of social credits, as long as the capital necessary to the basic incomes is not depleted.
Aiming at this purpose, the democratic and direct exercise of the participation of the adults responsible for the withdrawal of values will be performed in the Management Council of the FRRB social project in compliance and adherence to the commitment hereby instituted and signed by the ReCivitas:
to preserve the sustainable growth of this asset destined to the provision of the vital minimum towards the permanent basic income for all life, both to the present generations and to the next and future ones, including those yet to be born, always complying with the criterion of progressive and inclusive order from the (i) neediest communities to the wealthiest; and in these from the (ii) youngest to the oldest ones, complying with the availability, to immediately allocate resources without obstructions, impediments, hindrances or delays whatsoever to such inclusive never exclusive or dismissible progress to all others.
Thus, by making the payments within the previous model of combined transfers - from our funds plus donations - in the amount of 150 reais per person to all the current 111 participants, totaling 693.75 reais per household, we have finally closed the previous phase of the project; and through the present endowment of this capital to the basic income we begin this new phase.
We wish to highlight that this new phase does not take donations for granted, but it will no longer need them to maintain the current level of resources or number of participants, but rather, they will be applied both to increase the value of the income, and especially to expand its reach to more people, within the criteria adopted. Therefore, from now on, they will be destined firstly to complete the inclusion of the residents of Quatinga Velho who still need these funds, and then, upon the completion of this capitalization, the resources will be open to other communities and venues to finance more universal basic income projects or programs.
So, we need to once again call people’s attention to those citizens who are still waiting for donations. However, not only do we want to ask, but also thank all those who have contributed to this accomplishment. Although for few people the sums are guaranteed, for as long as they live and the funds last, they can count on these funds, a permanent source of resources for a basic income.
We must also point out, in compliance with the law provides, that even in the event of the closure of our activities, the funds will not be transferred to other entities unless these are a social organization without government interest, profit goals, political, partisan, dedicated to the same humanitarian cause of combating poverty of the most vulnerable through the guarantee of the minimum vital preferably through the universalization of the basic income unconditional to all.
Furthermore, we would like to state that we will go on defending that the basic income be guaranteed in fact, as a constitutional right, as a social responsibility and obligation of public institutions through the forecasting, destination, and mandatory budget allocation of already available resources and or future specific contributions, exclusively for the fulfillment of this social purpose, for the provision of the vital minimum, not being nor should it be as such, a blank check from the taxpayer to the public administration or public interest private parties to dispose of them, bond them, or condition them for other purposes.
And it is worth highlighting that the reserve of the possible is not, cannot and should not be an excuse for the non-compliance with the duties and obligations, since it is, a necessary foresight and providence, precisely the obligation to the duties. It is not because they did not know that it was possible that one did, does or does not do, but precisely because of knowing (and claiming otherwise, one cannot) that before everything, all that is necessary is done in order to make it possible and never cease to be or do so.
All in all, we hope that with the accomplishment of these objectives and goals that our purpose and social mission are, also, by the way, the sign of what we mean and want to say, the explanations, of what, beyond rentierism, financism, and populism, the basic income that means to us. And if we still have only stones, then we will make a stone soup, because the main ingredient of the recipe is not lacking, and it is not stones.
Then, so that not only the next, but the further generations will never be the last, but now and always the first, until no one will ever lack it. And if we make a point of saying this, it is because this, and not that; without further explanations, these sayings, ours are not, just as other gestures and actions, by the way, to the contrary, are not either.
All in all, these are our vows, not promises. This is not a contract of commitment, but the explicit action of its fulfillment. A communication of not only what we will do, but of what has already been as a concrete action and financial contribution for the future of all, duly deposited in an account open to all, so that you can also do it with us if you want; and we invite you, to join us, we welcome you.